Friday, July 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad

Tonight I celebrated you and your birthday. Baby, me, and some amazing apple pie...with ice-cream of course.

Baby has been kicking up a storm there some spiritual tickling going on? I believe you've had something to do with that. 

I love my baby so much, it kills me that I don't get to share this amazing experience with you. In this realm anyway. But I know you're here as often as you can be, and without fail, whenever I need you. 

Rory says hi. 

I love you dad

Saturday, June 21, 2014

'Quickening'....My Summer Solstice 2014

Or so that's what they call it.  I call it physical whispers of love from the inside. Or, tickles from
your elegant movements, my Baby my Love.
Oh what a trip this is. Only within the last few weeks have I felt your tiny body move within me. It's the most precious beautifully amazing feeling my body has ever experienced. Your sweet wee existence has already made such a grand impact on my life. So much love, excitement, and pure joy is all around me because you are here.

How appropriate that today is the The Summer Solstice.

“Summer is a celebration of the earth incredible bounty! Summer is a festival of this inner fire/power, the power that makes abundance and nourishment grow from tiny seeds.”

“The power that brings things to fulfillment, and expands and brightens our lives, that makes good things come from seed ideas and plans. And the warmth of the sun and the long, hot days continually remind us of how good it is to find a balance between intense activity and lazy, idle hours doing nothing.”

“Summer teaches us patience. The fruit is green until it’s ripe and you just can’t rush it. Something of the slow, sure rhythm of the time will enter into us if we let it; no, we can’t hurry things, but if we just relax and let go, things will reach their fullness without effort or ego’s striving on our part.”

“And as we watch the ripening and flowering and fruiting all around us, we can’t help but be moved by and grateful for the generosity of the Earth Mother, who gives says what we need so unstintingly. Summer is a perfect time to discover our earth connection; by receiving her gifts with respect, taking only what we need, and doing what we can to minimize our impact on the delicate balance of the planet, we strengthen and nourish the bond we were given a birth with the great parent who sustains us all.”                                                                    Cathy Lynn Pagano
Our next new chapter, filled with so much unknown... Where will we live? Am I exercising enough? Should I eat more fruit? What kind of parents will we be? Can you feel how much I already love you? 'Relax',' let go', and 'allow'. 

Tonight I celebrate this incredible being that is growing daily within my womb. That you my Babe, are safe, warm, nurtured,  and that you know and feel you are loved. Always. The rest, I'm sure will follow.