Friday, May 20, 2011


Likely not, but why not hit the bucket list something that scares you.....tell someone you love present in every moment

Sunday, May 1, 2011


The one thing in life we can count on is change. The sun continues to rise and fall each day and night like breath by moments. With such familiarity you'd think making shifts would be slightly comfortable. Fear gets intense, interesting....annoying. Or is it the unknown that is annoying? The perception of lacking. We really only have control from one moment to the next - everything else doesn't exist - No that's not true either. It forms our thoughts, ideas, dreams, and creation. Hmmmm, control seems to be starting to seep into my manifesto. Or is the fear a dream coming true? Change is all around me right now. EVERYWHERE. Its what I want. It's what I see. It's fucking kicking my ass...........Interesting for me, I've been watching someone close to me lose an incredible amount of weight. So far already it looks like she's shed another person. I get to see her often, so I'm privy to this amazing metamorphosis of mind, body, and spirit. It's so tangible. Possibility transforming right in front of me. What a gift. Sometimes I'll just be going about things, as you do and then I'll find myself knocked over and moved to pause in awe of this unfolding incredible event. Shedding layers, emerging light, moving freely from sleep and darkness............. I've missed me. I don't even know where I was. All I know is I'm back, and I won't go away again. I promise to stay connected.