Friday, September 21, 2012

My Chicago Top Ten

Top ten reasons why Chicago is the the most underrated city in America

10. Amazing food
  9. Art
  8. Famous architecture
  7. Shopping
  6. Left winged friendly peeps
  5. 24 hour fresh tacos
  4. Pizza
  3.  Lake Michigan
  2. Classic grungy blues bars
  1. Standing ovation reception from men just for  walking by x2

Thanks Jana for the best Birthday weekend getaway this gal has ever had! Love you!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fuck Cancer

Today was.....let me just say this...I kicked my shoes and boots clear across the about five or six times. I just kept kicking them until they were scattered across the floor....

They say you hurt the ones you love the most.

I got into my car and sobbed...all the way to Luna Blue, my favourite store where I thought I would find SOMETHING to make me feel better. Of course not. Nothing can help the fact that I'm losing my Dad.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What do you wear on a date with a Stunt Man?

I'm getting getting ready for a date with my friend Markus and his brother Justin. Yep, that's right a tri-date. Justin and I have never met and Markus thinks this is the most comfortable way for us to meet. I disagree, but am trying to stay open.

Once before, many years ago, I was set up in a similar way...few friends, less uncomfortable, and coincidental it was the same place.  Well this ended up being in my top 5 worst dates for sure. Justin was late, but his five closest friends were not. They got to know everything about me before I even finished my first drink. Then when Justin finally showed up, so did his 20 friends from ? high school, Saskatchewan? I'm not sure but it felt like I was at a high school reunion, including the x-girlfriend  announcing her engagement to the better man she broke up with Justin to be with. When I found out Markus's brother had the same name. I mostly laughed.... but I'm not gonna lie, warning bells crept in and silently rang.

What great practice for seeing things with fresh eyes. Staying open to possibility and love is hard especially when we all have past experiences packed away in bags. Leave the luggage behind. Its not to be carried or disguised in pretty colors and textures. Inner wisdom and intuition is all that is needed. Plus a credit card for a possible quick get-a-way. Perhaps all that is needed on my date with a stunt man. But I might bring my helmet just in case.